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Six Reasons Why People Buy Hand-Crafted

There are many reasons why people like to buy hand-crafted items. 

Here are six that I thought of but there are probably more.

1. They are high quality

Hand-crafted is high in quality the creator has put a lot of attention to detail into your item and used quality materials to produce it. You are purchasing something that has been produced with quality in mind rather than quantity.

2. They are good for the environment

Crafters don’t have mechanised and industrial processes. They use less energy and usually keep things very local.

3. Buying hand-crafted supports the local economy

When you buy from an individual artisan or a small family business you are helping to support the local economy or a small business. Your purchase isn’t helping to pay the dividends for big corporate shareholders.

4. They just feel nice

When you buy something that has been hand-crafted you know that it is unique and that there isn’t another one exactly the same anywhere in the world. The item you have has been fashioned with love and a passion for the creative process.

5. They show you care

If you give a friend or loved one a handcrafted gift they know that you care about them. You have gone out of your way to get something unique - maybe even with a specific story behind its creation - just for them.

6. Buying handcrafted helps keep tradition alive

By supporting your local crafters you are helping to keep skills and traditions going. This probably sounds a bit altruistic, but you are helping to keep these skills alive.

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... a new blog

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